Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language (CAPSL)
CAPSL is a formal language for expressing authentication and key-exchange
protocols. Its purpose is to express enough of the abstract features of these
protocols to support an analysis for protocol failures.
The development of CAPSL and associated protocol verification
techniques was supported under the Group Inference project by
DARPA through the Navy SPAWAR.
There was prior support by DARPA under the TIPE project through
Air Force Rome Laboratory.
The first version of CAPSL was developed in early 1996
with the idea that it could be used by
any of several protocol analysis tools and techniques.
With the help of a common understanding of CAPSL syntax
and semantics, the developers of each tool could translate
it into the internal form required by their tools.
The definition of the language was influenced by the suggestions and needs of
the researchers in this area. Staff Members: