by Dr. Grit Denker & J. Millen.
Appears in Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Number 4. National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw. 2002. Pages 1627.
Secure communication generally begins with a connection establishment
phase in which messages are exchanged by client and server protocol
software to generate, share, and use secret data or keys. This
message exchange is referred to as an authentication or key
distribution cryptographic protocol. CAPSL is a formal language for
specifying cryptographic protocols. It is also useful for addressing
the correctness of the protocols on an abstract level, rather than the
strength of the underlying cryptographic algorithms. We outline the
design principles of CAPSL and its integrated specification and
analysis environment. Protocols for secure group management are
essential in applications that are concerned with confidential
authenticated communication among coalition members, authenticated
group decisions, or the secure administration of group membership and
access control. We also discuss our progress on designing a new
extension of CAPSL for multicast protocols, called MuCAPSL.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {{J.} Millen and {G.} Denker},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology},
NUMBER = {4},
YEAR = {2002},
PAGES = {16--27},
URL = {http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/1467/},
PUBLISHER = {National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw}