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Dr. Linda Briesemeister
Senior Research Engineer

SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA, 94025

Phone:+1 (650) 859-2000
Fax:+1 (650) 859-2844

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Linda Briesemeister received her graduate degree in Computer Science in March 1998 and Ph.D. degree in Engineering in November 2001, both from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. She is a Senior Research Engineer with the Computer Science Laboratory (CSL) of SRI International. Her research interests include distributed algorithms applied to complex networks, mobile computing and wireless communication as found in ad-hoc networking and specifically inter-vehicle communication. Prior to joining SRI, Dr. Briesemeister worked as a research scientist in the fault-tolerance and system safety group of Daimler Chrysler Research and Technology. There, she conducted simulation studies of wireless communication systems applied to a realistic highway traffic scenario. She designed and implemented a prototype system, which she had built into two probe vehicles. At SRI since early 2002, she has worked on applying mobile ad-hoc routing to a fleet of distributed indoor robots and has built an integrated simulation framework for ad-hoc and sensor networks in a battlefield scenario with realistic soldier mobility. In other projects, she has modeled complex, large-scale networks to study malicious code spreading and distributed algorithms for mitigation strategies.

Linda Briesemeister is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Past Projects:


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