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Sensor Data Dissemination through Ad Hoc Battlefield Communications
by Dr. Linda Briesemeister.
We study the dissemination of sensor data (reports) from the sensor network to the mobile ground forces (soldiers) for sensor gateways deployed in a battlefield scenario. Our approach looks at both the addressing and distribution of sensor reports. First, we employ a subscription mechanism in which the sensor gateways address their reports to those soldiers who have currently subscribed to them. Second, we distinguish two schemes for propagating sensor reports. In a centralized approach, all sensor reports must go through one designated node (command post). In a distributed approach, the network routes sensor reports directly to the soldiers. In a generic soldier mobility model, soldiers move in small groups (squads) along a line to random destinations on the battlefield. Through simulations using this mobility model, we study the performance and overhead of the proposed methods for sensor data dissemination. We envision this research to be the first of a series of methods to manage information within mobile networks comprised of sensors and actuators in battlefield scenarios.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {Linda Briesemeister},
TITLE = {Sensor Data Dissemination through Ad Hoc Battlefield Communications},
BOOKTITLE = {Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation Conference (CNDS)},
YEAR = {2003},
MONTH = {January},