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Homogeneity as an Advantage: It Takes a Community to Protect an Application
by Dr. Linda Briesemeister, Dr. Steven Dawson, Dr. Patrick Lincoln, Dr. Hassen Saïdi, Jim Thornton, Glenn Durfee, Peter Kwan, Elizabeth Stinson, Adam J. Oliner & John C. Mitchell.
We examine how to turn the scale of a large homogeneous software deployment from an operational and security disadvantage into an advantageous application community that can detect, diagnose, and recover from its own operational faults and malicious attacks. We propose a system called VERNIER that provides a virtualized execution environment in conjunction with collaborative diagnosis and response functions using a knowledge-sharing infrastructure. We report on the preliminary implementation of the system, its experimental evaluation, and lessons learned during development.
BibTEX Entry
author = {Linda Briesemeister and Steven Dawson and Patrick Lincoln and Hassen Saidi and Jim Thornton and Glenn Durfee and Peter Kwan and Elizabeth Stinson and Adam J.~Oliner and John C.~Mitchell},
title = {Homogeneity as an Advantage: It Takes a Community to Protect an Application},
booktitle = {Workshop on Collaborative Methods for Security and Privacy (CollSec)},
year = {2010},
month = aug,