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David Balenson
Senior Computer Scientist

David Balenson David Balenson is a Senior Computer Scientist in the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International. He provides technical and programmatic support for operational and R&D projects in infrastructure security and provides support for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) cybersecurity R&D program. Currently supported projects include the Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP). Past projects include Automotive Cybersecurity Industry Consortium (ACIC), Cybersecurity for Oil and Gas Systems (COGS), Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPSSEC), Cyber Risk Economics (CyRiE), Smart Cities, and Transition to Practice (TTP).

Balenson helps lead the Cybersecurity Experimentation of the Future (CEF) initiative, an effort to promote the design, development, and use of a community-wide framework and the associated tools to support experimental cybersecurity research. He is the Co-PI for the NSF-funded Sharing Expertise and Artifacts for Reuse for Cybersecurity Community Hub (SEARCCH) project, which is developing an open collaboration platform that helps researchers package, import, locate, understand, and reuse cybersecurity experiment artifacts. He was the Co-PI for the NSF-funded Cybersecurity Experimentation of the Future (CEF) project, a community-based effort to study current and expected cybersecurity experimentation infrastructure, and to produce a strategic plan and roadmap for developing infrastructure that supports tomorrow’s research.

Balenson has 35 years of experience leading organizations and efforts to research, develop, test, evaluate, and transition innovative solutions to challenging cybersecurity needs and requirements for computer and networks. His research interests include cybersecurity for critical infrastructure and cyber-physical systems, experimentation and test, technology transition, multi-disciplinary research, cyber risk economics, and usable security.

Balenson has worked for industry leaders including Trusted Information Systems, Network Associates / McAfee, SPARTA, and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). At JHU/APL he was the CONOPS Lead for their National Cyber Range (NCR) Phase II effort. At SPARTA he managed the operational and fiscal activities of their Security Research Division, which conducted fundamental and applied R&D and prototype development for DARPA, DHS, and other government customers. He was also the Tactical Information Protection industry-lead for the Army Research Lab (ARL) Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA) on Communications & Networks.

Balenson is currently on the steering groups and/or organizing committees for the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) symposium, IFIP Working Group 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection (ICCIP), Learning from Authoritative Experiment Results (LASER) workshop, Cybersecurity Experimentation and Test (CSET) workshop, Usable Security (USEC) workshop, and Automotive and Autonomous Vehicle Security (AutoSec) workshop.

Balenson has worked as an Associate Professorial Lecturer at The George Washington University. He received his M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.

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