An Operational Semantics for Stateflow
Grégoire Hamon and John Rushby
We present a formal operational semantics for Stateflow, the graphical
statecharts-like language of the Matlab/Simulink tool suite that is
widely used in model-based development of embedded systems. Stateflow
has many tricky features but our operational treatment yields a
surprisingly simple semantics for the subset that is generally
recommended for industrial applications. We have validated our
semantics by developing an interpreter that allows us to compare its
behavior against the Matlab simulator. We have used the semantics as
a foundation for developing prototype tools for formal analysis of
Stateflow designs.
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BibTeX Entry
AUTHOR = {Gr\'{e}goire Hamon and John Rushby},
TITLE = {An Operational Semantics for {Stateflow}},
BOOKTITLE = {Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering:
7th International Conference {(FASE)}},
EDITOR ={M. Wermelinger and T. Margaria-Steffen},
PAGES = {229--243},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 2984,
ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain},
DATE = apr,
YEAR = 2004
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