Also note that any email sent to j o h n . r u s h b y @ s r i . c o m goes straight into the trash.
I know this page has an early-90's look to it (that's when I wrote it--and probably when that photo was taken). I'll change to a more modern style soon.
My first job was as a "higher scientific officer" at (what was then) the Atlas Computer Laboratory (now part of the Computation and Information Department of The Central Laboratory of the UK Research Councils), where I worked with computer graphics and early animation systems. Here's a link to a picture of me working on the then state-of-the-art FR80 microfilm recorder. From 1974 to 1975, I was a lecturer in the Computer Science Department at Manchester University, and from 1975 to 1979, I was a research associate in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne from 1979 to 1982, before joining SRI in 1983.
At SRI, I was successively a Computer Scientist, Senior Computer Scientist, Program Manager and, from 1986 to 1990, the Acting Director of CSL. In 1991, to my relief, Mark Moriconi took over as Director, and I assumed my present position.
I live in Redwood Shores, which is legally part of Redwood City, though physically disjoint from it and actually closer to Belmont and San Carlos. The big news in my neighborhood is closure of the levees for recreational purposes to protect a species of mouse.
Incidentally, Redwood City claims to have the best climate in the USA ("weather best, by government test"), though it's actually pretty similar to the rest of the Bay Area. Here's the current forecast.