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Dependability Co-Design
by Dr. Steven Dawson & Robert Riemenschneider.
December, 2001.
It is widely agreed that high levels of software system dependability can only be achieved if the system is designed with dependability in mind; security and other dependability properties cannot be ``added-on'' to an undependable implementation. However, most modern software development methodologies are based on the notion that quality is achieved through incremental improvement. The question then arises: Are these modern evolutionary methodologies incompatible with strict dependability requirements? Our answer is that they need not be, provided dependability concerns are addressed in a semi-independent, but closely coupled, fashion we call dependability co-design.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {{R.} {A.} Riemenschneider and Steven Dawson},
TITLE = {Dependability Co-Design},
YEAR = {2001},
MONTH = {December},
URL = {http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/new-visions-paper/}