Modeling Multistep Cyber Attacks for Scenario Recognition
by Dr. Steven Cheung, Martin Fong & Dr. Ulf Lindqvist.
From DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX III). Washington, D.C.. 2003. Pages 284292.
Efforts toward automated detection and identification of multistep
cyber attack scenarios would benefit significantly from a methodology and language for modeling such scenarios. The Correlated Attack Modeling Language (CAML) uses a modular approach, where a module represents an inference step and modules can be linked together to detect multistep scenarios. CAML is accompanied by a library of predicates, which functions as a vocabulary to describe the properties of system states and events. The concept of attack patterns is introduced to facilitate reuse of generic modules in the attack modeling process. CAML is used in a prototype implementation of a scenario recognition engine that consumes first-level security alerts in real time and produces reports that identify multistep attack scenarios discovered in the alert stream.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {Steven Cheung and Ulf Lindqvist and Martin {W} Fong},
TITLE = {Modeling Multistep Cyber Attacks for Scenario Recognition},
YEAR = {2003},
PAGES = {284--292},
ADDRESS = {Washington, {D.C.}},
URL = {http://www.sdl.sri.com/papers/cheung-lindqvist-fong-discex3-cr/},
BOOKTITLE = {{DARPA} Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX {III)}}