
  • bRIGHT – A New User-Machine Interaction Paradigm
  • Cyber Physical RESilliance and Sustainability (CYPRESS) NSF project
  • DUSD projects Open Netcentric Standards for Testing and Training (ONISTT), Analyzer for Netcentric Systems Test Confederations (ANSC), and Rule Authoring and Verification Environment (RAVE)
  • Probabilistic Compositional Multi-Dimension Model-Based Verification (PROMISE) in DARPA META program
  • XG Policy project in DARPA neXt Generation (XG)
  • Common Authorization Protocol Specification Language (CAPSL)
  • Security coalition of DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML)
  • The Semantic Firewall project will develop a formal basis, methods, and tools for Grid security. The problem is to enforce network security policies between trust domains in the presence of dynamically changing and unpredictable Grid communication needs. By combining conventional Grid security with semantic reasoning methods, we aim to provide dynamic, adaptive network security (see Semantic Firewall)
  • Formal Checklists for Remote Agent Dependability, a project to develop a formal framework for increasing the dependability of deep space mission remote systems
  • Artifactory Theory, a project that aims at providing semantic theories for artifacts (Artifact Theory Group). In the context of the DARPA funded project DAML (DARPA Agent Markup Language) an Agent Mark-up language is built that allows users to provide machine-readable semantic annotations for specific communities of interest. We intend to generate core theories and knowledge creation tools for DAML.
  • Scalable Certification Revocation, funded by KDD R&D Laboratories, Inc., Japan. This project aims at describing and enhancing the state of the art of public key infrastructures, with special emphasis on scalability for internet applications.
  • MAUDE: A Wide-Spectrum Formal Language for Secure Active Networks, a project in the area of specification of Active Networks using Maude and Rewriting Logic ( Maude and ActiveNets).