Model Checking a Fault-Tolerant Startup Algorithm:
From Design Exploration To Exhaustive Fault Simulation
Wilfried Steiner, John Rushby,
Maria Sorea, and Holger Pfeifer
Presented at DSN 04
The increasing performance of modern model-checking tools offers high
potential for the computer-aided design of fault-tolerant
algorithms. Instead of relying on human imagination to generate taxing
failure scenarios to probe a fault-tolerant algorithm during
development, we define the fault behavior of a faulty process at its
interfaces to the remaining system and use model checking
automatically to examine all possible failure scenarios. We call this
approach ``exhaustive fault simulation''. In this paper we illustrate
exhaustive fault simulation using a new startup algorithm for the
Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) and show that this approach is fast
enough to be deployed in the design loop. We use the SAL toolset from
SRI for our experiments and describe an approach to modeling and
analyzing fault-tolerant algorithms that exploits the capabilties of
tools such as this.
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BibTeX Entry
AUTHOR = {Wilfried Steiner and John Rushby and Maria Sorea and Holger Pfeifer},
TITLE = {Model Checking a Fault-Tolerant Startup Algorithm:
From Design Exploration To Exhaustive Fault Simulation},
BOOKTITLE = {The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks},
PAGES = {189--198},
ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Computer Society},
ADDRESS = {Florence, Italy},
MONTH = jun,
YEAR = 2004
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