On Computational Mechanisms for Shared Intentionality and Speculation on Rationality and Consciousness

John Rushby

SRI-CSL Technical Report, June 2023


A singular attribute of humankind is our ability to undertake novel, cooperative behavior, or teamwork. This requires that we can communicate goals, plans, and ideas between the brains of individuals to create shared intentionality. I adopt the view that the brain performs computation, then, using the information processing model of David Marr, I derive necessary characteristics of basic mechanisms to enable shared intentionality between pre-linguistic computational agents.

More speculatively, I suggest the mechanisms derived by this thought experiment apply to humans and extend to provide explanations for human rationality and aspects of intentional and phenomenal consciousness that accord with observation. This yields what I call the "Shared Intentionality First" Theory (SIFT) for language, rationality, and consciousness.

The significance of shared intentionality has been recognized and advocated previously, but typically from a sociological or behavioral point of view. SIFT complements prior work by applying a computer science perspective to the underlying mechanisms.


Also available as arXiv 2306.13657

BibTeX Entry

	AUTHOR = {John Rushby},
	TITLE = {On Computational Mechanisms for Shared Intentionality
           and Speculation on Rationality and Consciousness},
	INSTITUTION = {Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International},
	YEAR = 2023,
	MONTH = jun,
	ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, CA},
	NOTE = {Available at \url{http://www.csl.sri.com/~rushby/abstracts/sift23}
          and also \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13657}}

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