CSFW-16 30 June - 2 July 2002 Pacific Grove, CA, USA To register, please fax or mail this form with payment by 24 June to: IEEE Computer Society CSFW-16 Registration Dept. 6006 Washington, D.C.. 20042-6006 Fax +1-202-728-0884 (Sorry, no phone registrations.) Registration forms without payment will not be accepted. Name:______________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Prof. Ms. Mr. Last/Family Name First Name MI Company: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Province/Zip/Country:___________________________________________________________ Daytime phone:_________________ Fax:____________________E-mail:____________________________ Do not include my name, mailing/e-mail address, phone and fax numbers on the attendee list. Do not include my name and mailing address on a mailing lists. IEEE/Computer Society Member Number:_______________________________________________________ Full-time student certification (have advisor sign):_______________________________________ Please advise us if you have any special needs:____________________________________________ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: includes admission to technical sessions and refreshment breaks. Advance (received by 4 June) Late/On-site (received after 4 June) Member: U.S. $250 Member: U.S. $310 Nonmember: U.S. $310 Nonmember: U.S. $400 Full-time student: U.S. $150 Full-time student: U.S. $150 TOTAL ENCLOSED:________________ Please make checks payable to: IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY. All checks must be in U.S. DOLLARS drawn on U.S. BANKS. Credit card charges will appear on statement as "IEEE Computer Society - Registration." Written requests for refunds must be received at the above address before 11 June. Refunds are subject to a US $50 processing fee. METHOD OF PAYMENT: _____Personal Check ______Company Check _____VISA _____MasterCard _____American Express ______Diners Club Credit Card Number: _________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________ Cardholder Name: _______________________________Signature:_____________________________________