Verifying a Self-Stabilizing Mutual Exclusion Algorithm
by Dr. Natarajan Shankar & Shaz Qadeer.
From IFIP Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods (PROCOMET '98). Edited by David Gries and Willem-Paul de Roever. Chapman & Hall, Shelter Island, NY. June, 1998. Pages 424443.
We present a detailed description of a machine-assisted verification of an algorithm for
self-stabilizing mutual exclusion that is due to Dijkstra. This verification was constructed using
PVS. We compare the mechanical verification to the informal proof sketch on which it is based. This
comparison yields several observations regarding the challenges of formalizing and mechanically
verifying distributed algorithms in general.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {Shaz Qadeer and Natarajan Shankar},
TITLE = {Verifying a Self-Stabilizing Mutual Exclusion Algorithm},
BOOKTITLE = {{IFIP} Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods (PROCOMET '98)},
YEAR = {1998},
EDITOR = {David Gries and Willem-Paul de Roever},
PAGES = {424--443},
ADDRESS = {Shelter Island, {NY}},
MONTH = {jun},
PUBLISHER = {Chapman \& Hall},
URL = {http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/stable-paper/}