
Protecting Privacy when Disclosing Information: k-Anonymity and its Enforcement through Generalization and Suppression
by P. Samarati & L. Sweeney.
From Technical Report SRI-CSL-98-04. Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International. 1998.
BibTEX Entry
@tech report{samarati-protect,
AUTHOR = {{P.} Samarati and {L.} Sweeney},
TITLE = {Protecting Privacy when Disclosing Information: k-Anonymity and its Enforcement through Generalization and Suppression},
YEAR = {1998},
URL = {http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/sritr-98-04/},
BOOKTITLE = {Technical Report {SRI-CSL-98-04}},
PUBLISHER = {Computer Science Laboratory, {SRI} International}