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ANCORS: Adaptable Network Control and Reporting Systems
by Phillip Porras, Livio Ricciulli & Nachum Shacham.
Number SRI-CSL-98-01.
ANCORS is a distributed tool suite that merges technology from network
management, active networking, and distributed simulation in a unified paradigm to assist in the assessment, control, and design of computer networks. This paper explores some of the advantages that can be obtained from merging the three technologies, and describes how ANCORS integrates complementary elements of each. ANCORS's architecture offers substantial software reuse, scalability, and flexibility and supports an
extensible mechanism to employ multiple network management protocols of varying degrees of complexity. This paper also describes network engineering and monitoring services that were implemented to prototype some of ANCORS's architectural ideas and provide practical experience for their refinement.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {Livio Ricciulli and Philip Porras and and Nachum Shacham},
TITLE = {{ANCORS:} Adaptable Network Control and Reporting Systems},
YEAR = {1998},
URL = { http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/sri-csl-98-01/}