Quality Measures and Assurance for AI Software
by Dr. John Rushby.
Number SRI-CSL-88-7R. Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA. June, 1988.
This report is concerned with the application of software quality and assurance techniques
to AI software.
The report is divided into three parts. In Part I we review existing software quality
assurance measures and techniques--those that have been developed for, and applied to,
conventional software. This part, which provides a fairly comprehensive overview of
software reliability and metrics, static and dynamic testing, and formal specification and
verification, may be of interest to those unconcerned with AI software. In Part II, we
consider the characteristics of AI-based software, the applicability and potential utility of
measures and techniques identified in the first part, and we review those few methods that
have been developed specifically for AI-based software. In Part III of this report, we
present our assessment and recommendations for the further exploration of this important
area. An extensive bibliography with 194 entries is provided.
BibTEX Entry
AUTHOR = {John Rushby},
TITLE = {Quality Measures and Assurance for {AI} Software},
INSTITUTION = {Computer Science Laboratory, {SRI} International},
YEAR = {1988},
NUMBER = {{SRI-CSL-88-7R}},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, {CA}},
MONTH = {June},
NOTE = {Revised September 1988},
URL = {http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/csl-88-7/}