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Model-Based Reconfiguration: Toward an Integration with Diagnosis
 by Dr. John Rushby & Judith Crow.

From Proceedings, AAAI-91 (Volume 2).
Anaheim, CA.
July, 1991.
Pages 836–841.

We extend Reiter's general theory of model-based diagnosis to a theory of reconfiguration. The generality of Reiter's theory readily supports an extension in which the problem of reconfiguration is viewed as a close analogue of the problem of diagnosis. Using a reconfiguration predicate rcfg analogous to the abnormality predicate ab, we formulate a strategy for reconfiguration by transforming that for diagnosis. A benefit of this approach is that algorithms for diagnosis can be exploited as algorithms for reconfiguration, thereby promoting an integrated approach to fault detection, identification, and reconfiguration.
BibTEX Entry
    AUTHOR = {Judith Crow and John Rushby},
    TITLE = {Model-Based Reconfiguration: Toward an Integration with Diagnosis},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings, {AAAI-91} (Volume 2)},
    YEAR = {1991},
    PAGES = {836--841},
    ADDRESS = {Anaheim, {CA}},
    MONTH = {jul},
    URL = {}


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