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Validation and Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems: How Bad Can It Get?
 by Dr. John Rushby.

From Proceedings of AAAI 88 Workshop on Validation and Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems.
Saint Paul, MN.
August, 1988.

Reprinted in Uma G. Gupta, editor. Validating and Verifying Knowledge-Based Systems, pp. 76--82. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 1991.

Short paper, no abstract. The paper begins: My subtitle is not intended as a slighting reference to the current state of the art for validation and verification of knowledge-based systems, but as a reminder that for many systems the important question concerning deployment is not ``how well does it work?'' but ``how badly can it fail?'' This is most obviously the case in safety-critical systems, but it can apply to any system where the consequences of certain types of failure may be incommensurate with the benefits of normal operation. For conventional software, it is a topic of active debate whether the techniques that are most effective for ensuring that a system ``works well'' are also the most effective for showing that it ``cannot go badly wrong.''
BibTEX Entry
    AUTHOR = {John Rushby},
    TITLE = {Validation and Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems: How Bad Can It Get?},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of {AAAI} 88 Workshop on Validation and Testing of Knowledge-Based Systems},
    YEAR = {1988},
    ADDRESS = {Saint Paul, {MN}},
    MONTH = {aug},
    NOTE = {Reprinted as~\backslashcite[pp.\backslash 76--82]Gupta91},
    ANNOTE = {Reprinted in Uma {G.} Gupta, editor. Validating and Verifying Knowledge-Based Systems, pp. 76--82. {IEEE} Computer Society, Los Alamitos, {CA,} 1991.},
    URL = {}


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