
Welcome to formalware.csl.sri.com, the one-stop site for the state-of-the-art tools for mechanized formal methods developed by the Formal Methods and Dependable Systems Program in the Computer Science Laboratory of SRI International.

Our tools are freely available for noncommercial research purposes under the terms of our FM License. For commercial applications, please contact ZZZZZ.

Our Tools

We provide three different tools; each provides unique capabilities and is intended for particular classes of applications, but all three share a common vision and there are synergies between them. The links below lead to the home pages for each of our tools.


PVS is a classical ``verification system'': it provides a specification language in which mathematical theories and conjectures about them can be specified, together with an interactive theorem prover that is used to discharge the conjectures. The PVS specification language is a higher-order logic with a rich type system that supports concise and perspicuous specifications. Its theorem prover provides powerful automation, with decision procedures for several theories including real and integer arithmetic.


Conceptually, ICS is the decision procedures of PVS made available as a standalone C library that can be embedded in any application that requires "embedded deduction". However, ICS incorporates many new theoretical and practical insights and its performance and scalability vastly exceed those of the PVS decision procedures. Furthermore, ICS includes a propositional satisfiability (SAT) solver and is able to solve propositionally complex formulas over the decided theories.


SAL is an environment for the exploration and analysis of concurrent systems specified as transition relations. Its language includes many of the attractive features of PVS and has both textual and XML representations: the latter makes it convenient to use SAL as a backend to other systems. The SAL toolkit provides four different model checkers: an explicit-state model checker in SALenv-1, and symbolic, bounded, and infinite-bounded model checkers in SALenv-2. The infinite-bounded model checker uses ICS to provided bounded model checking for systems defined over infinite data types, such as integer and real numbers.


In the near future, we expect to release a version of PVS that can use ICS as its decision procedure, and a SAL Tool Bus that will provide an open environment for interoperation of many tools.

For more information on the relationships between the tools and our plans for their evolution, please see our roadmap.


Papers on the theory, development, and applications of our tools can be found by following links to our personal home pages from the home page for the Formal Methods and Dependable Systems program.