Assurance 2.0: A Manifesto

Robin Bloomfield (Adelard LLP and City, University of London)
and John Rushby (SRI CSL)

Keynote presentation at 29th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS'21), February 2021

 *NEW* An overview of my papers on assurance cases


System assurance is confronted by significant challenges. Some of these are new, for example, autonomous systems with major functions driven by machine learning and AI, and ultra-rapid system development, while others are the familiar, persistent issues of the need for efficient, effective and timely assurance. Traditional assurance is seen as a brake on innovation and often costly and time consuming. We therefore propose a modernized framework, Assurance 2.0, as an enabler that supports innovation and continuous incremental assurance. Perhaps unexpectedly, it does so by making assurance more rigorous, with increased focus on the reasoning and evidence employed, and explicit identification of defeaters and counterevidence.


Pages 85-108 in proceedings available at Amazon UK, editors Mike Parsons and Mark Nicholson.

Final draft version available as arXiv 2004.10474 or local copy


These are by Robin Bloomfield, who gave the talk: PDF

BibTeX Entry

	AUTHOR = {Robin Bloomfield and John Rushby},
	TITLE = {Assurance 2.0: A Manifesto},
	BOOKTITLE = {Systems and Covid-19: Proceedings of the 29th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS'21)},
	YEAR = 2021,
	EDITOR = {Mike Parsons and Mark Nicholson},
	PAGES = {85--108},
	ORGANIZATION = {Safety-Critical Systems Club},
	ADDRESS = {York, UK},
	MONTH = feb,
	NOTE = {Final draft available as {arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.10474}}

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