Instructions to authors for Journal of Computer Security

Submission of manuscripts

Electronic submission

Electronic files

Colour figures

Preparation of manuscripts

Organization of the paper and style of presentation

Title page






Quoting from other publications


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General journal information

Submission of manuscripts

Authors are requested to submit their manuscript electronically to one of the Editors-in-Chief:
Professor Sushil Jajodia, e-mail: Dr. Jonathan Millen, e-mail:

Electronic submission

Required electronic files for submitted manuscripts: a postscript or pdf file or LaTeX or TeX source.
Required electronic files for accepted papers: Upon acceptance of a manuscript, authors are asked to send the following files directly to the publisher: - a word processor file of the text, preferably in LaTeX using the standard Article.sty file as style file - separate files of all figures (if any); see "Preparation of manuscripts" for the required file formats - a pdf file of the entire article (replacing the hard copy)

Electronic files

The following electronic files are required: The following electronic files are required:

Colour figures

It is possible to have figures printed in colour, provided the cost of their reproduction is paid for by the author. Please always send the original hard copy of colour figures.

Preparation of manuscripts

Organization of the paper and style of presentation

Title page






Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if their paper is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher.

Quoting from other publications

An author, when quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing a figures or table from a book or journal article, should make sure that he is not infringing a copyright. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, he should obtain permission from the holder of the copyright if he wishes to make substantial extracts or to reproduce tables, plates or other figures. If the copyright holder is not the author of the quoted or reproduced material, it is recommended that the permission of the author should also be sought. Material in unpublished letters and manuscripts is also protected and must not be published unless permission has been obtained. Submission of a paper will be interpreted as a statement that the author has obtained all the necessary permission. A suitable acknowledgement of any borrowed material must always be made.


The corresponding author is asked to check the galley proofs (the publisher will execute a cursory check only). Corrections other than printer's errors, however, should be avoided. Costs arising from such corrections will be charged to the authors.

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