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Policy-based Cognitive Radios
 by Dr. Grit Denker, Daniel Elenius, Rukman Senanayake, Dr. Mark-Oliver Stehr, Dr. Carolyn Talcott & David E. Wilkins.


We present a new language for expressing policies that allow opportunistic spectrum access while not causing interference. CoRaL has expressive constructs for numerical constraints, supports efficient reasoning, and will be verifiable. The language is extensible so that unanticipated policy types can be encoded. We also describe a Policy Reasoner that reasons about CoRaL policies, and show how this reasoner can be used with various cognitive radios (in this case, an XG radio) to guarantee policy-specified behaviors while allowing spectrum sharing.

BibTEX Entry
    Author = {David E. Wilkins and Grit Denker and Mark-Oliver Stehr and Daniel Elenius and Rukman Senanayake and Carolyn Talcott},
    Journal = {IEEE Wireless Communications},
    Month = {August},
    Pages = {41-46},
    Title = {Policy-Based Cognitive Radios},
    Volume = {14},
    Number = {4},
    Year = {2007}} 


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